Book of Tea

$24.00 / $20.40 Member Price In stock

12 in stock


Those who cannot feel the littleness of great things in themselves are apt to overlook the greatness of little things in others.

-Okakura Kakuzo

The original 1906 edition of The Book of Tea was one of O’Keeffe’s favorites and she was not alone, for it can be found on the desks of artists, poets, teaists and Zen Buddhists around the world. Redesigned and expanded for a contemporary audience, this updated edition features a wonderful introduction by tea expert Bruce Richardson alongside a story of discovering O’Keeffe’s “good tea” and the way in which Okakura’s ideas of harmony and simplicity seeped into many facets of her life. Pair with one of our very own Georgia O’Keeffe tea blends for the perfect gift for the tea enthusiast in your life.

Readers will discover the fascinating character of Okakura Kakuzo and the story of how he came to write one of the twentieth century’s most influential books on art, beauty, and simplicity all steeped in the world’s communal cup of tea. His incredible journey took him from Yokohama to New York, Paris, Bombay, and Boston, where his life intertwined with such luminaries as Rabindranath Tagore, John Singer Sargent, Henry James, John La Farge, Isabella Stewart Gardner, Ezra Pound, and Henri Matisse. His writings influenced the work of such notable artists as Frank Lloyd Wright and Georgia O’Keeffe.

This edition includes 50 historical photographs and illustrations, Okakura’s classic 1906 text, and a chapter on how his philosophy continues to inspire today’s tea and art culture, plus, an illustrated chapter on America’s thirst for Japanese tea in the late 1800s by Richardson.

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Weight 0.96 kg

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