DNCA Architects, a Santa Fe-Based Firm, will Lead New Museum Building Project Set to Open 2026
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE–May 8, 2023 (Santa Fe, NM)– The much-anticipated New Building Project for a reimagined Georgia O’Keeffe Museum will be New Mexico through-and-through. DNCA Architects, a Santa Fe-based architecture firm with more than 20 years of successful projects in the state, was recently announced as the architect for the project.
“We are ecstatic to bring DNCA on board to lead the design of our new building,” said Georgia O’Keeffe Museum Director, Cody Hartley. “We are deeply proud to be building in the state of New Mexico, and the City of Santa Fe. To have architects with this same pride of place and who have expert knowledge in designing art museums in our state and southwestern climate–it’s invaluable.”

DNCA was founded by principal and lead design architect, Devendra N. Contractor, AIA, in 2002 in Albuquerque, before moving to Santa Fe in 2020. Contractor has been a New Mexico resident since 1974 and was previously the Senior Associate for Antoine Predock Architect in Albuquerque. Contractor and Senior Associate Architect Deirdre Harris, AIA LEED AP BD+C, will helm the project for DNCA with Rebecca Wood, AIA, and Teddy Huyck, AIA.
“Everyone at DNCA is thrilled to be on board for this remarkable project,” Contractor said. “As a New Mexico-based firm, designing a new Georgia O’Keeffe Museum in Santa Fe is a once-in-a- lifetime opportunity. We hope to be just one of many New Mexico businesses and tradespeople creating an incredible, sustainable building in historic, downtown Santa Fe to share the life, art, and independent spirit of Georgia O’Keeffe with local and global visitors.
DNCA has specialized technical experience in the design and construction of art museums and a long history of working on projects of great cultural importance. In over 20 years of practice, DNCA has developed a wide-ranging portfolio while earning over a dozen AIA Awards for design excellence. Projects that DNCA is currently completing include the New Mexico Museum of Art Vladem Contemporary in Santa Fe, and the University of New Mexico (UNM) Senior Health and Movement Disorders Centers in Albuquerque. Other projects in the DNCA portfolio include the UNM Tamarind Institute in Albuquerque, the Railyard Galleries in Santa Fe, and the Meteorite and Geology Museums at UNM.
The new Georgia O’Keeffe Museum Building Project was announced in 2021 with a bold and inclusive vision to create a world-class museum facility and community green space to expand the Museum’s cultural role, fulfill its stewardship responsibilities, and significantly enhance educational offerings in Santa Fe and the communities where O’Keeffe lived and worked. The design will be based on an original schematic design by Gluckman Tang Architects. It is scheduled for completion in 2026.
For media inquiries, contact: Renee Lucero, Public Relations Manager | 505-946-1063 | rlucero@gokm.org
ABOUT THE GEORGIA O’KEEFFE MUSEUM: Since 1997, the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum celebrates the art, life, and independent spirit of Georgia O’Keeffe. Located in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where Georgia O’Keeffe lived the final decades of her life, the O’Keeffe has sites and experiences in two historic destinations, Santa Fe and Abiquiú. For more information, please visit gokm.org
Image credits:
From left: DNCA Associate Rebecca Wood, DNCA Associate Teddy Huyck, DNCA Senior Associate Deirdre Harris, DNCA Principal Devendra Contractor, Georgia O’Keeffe Museum Director Cody Hartley, Georgia O’Keeffe Museum Board of Trustees Co-Chair Jane Bagwell, and Georgia O’Keeffe Museum Deputy Director of Collections and Interpretation Jennifer Foley. © Georgia O’Keeffe Museum.