Art to G.O. at Abiquiú Lake Trunk or Treat 

  • Saturday, November 2
  • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM MT
  • Abiquiú Lake Boat Ramp

Art to G.O. will join the Abiquiú community for a day of Halloween fun at the Abiquiú Lake Boat Ramp.

The Art to G.O. mobile studio will be set up at the Abiquiú Lake Boat Ramp for the annual Abiquiu Trunk-or-Treat. Get creative with Halloween-themed art-making activities, pick up tips on water safety, and enjoy festive trunk-or-treating fun. 

Upcoming Events

Green trees are in the bottom half of the paper. Purple and brown toned mountains dominate the background, upper half. A blue and white sky are in the upper quarter above the mountain.

Event Classes

Online Class: Watercolor Landscapes with Clouds & Skies


Friday, January 3


Photograph of two people dancing and smiling together holding hands. Behind them are trees, an adobe building and other couples dancing.

Event First Fridays

First Friday

217 Johnson Street. Santa Fe, NM 87501

Friday, January 3


Tube of WN Artists' Water Colour in Cobalt Blue. Metal tube and cap with beige and blue paper gummed label with printing in black and letters " S and L" printed in red. Color title printed in 5 languages: Cobalt Blue, Bleu de Cobalt, Kobaltblau, Azul de Cobalto, Blu di Cobalto - London, England.

Event Classes

Online Class: Watercolor Fundamentals


Saturday, January 4
