
New Mexico

Desert Daydreaming

June 26, 2020

Liz Neely

It sure has been a strange start to summer. I hope that you have been able to take in the beauty and fresh air of the outdoors wherever you are. Here in Santa Fe, nature carries on: the hollyhocks are blooming, the birds are singing, and the bees are buzzing. While the Museum is still closed, we’re actively working on developing a safe and inspiring experience for when we are able to welcome you all back!

Meanwhile, I’d like to share an immersive virtual trip to the desert via a 360-video produced by Tate Modern in conjunction with that museum’s large 2016 Georgia O’Keeffe exhibition. “What’s a 360-video?” you might ask. Unlike videos you’re used to where the camera has one point of view, a 360-video provides a complete 360-degree view. While watching these videos, you’re able to control the viewing direction and watch from whatever perspective you’d like.

Give it a try! To watch the 360-video on a computer, simply click the ‘Play’ arrow to start the video as you normally would. While it’s playing, you can then click and drag anywhere in the video screen to change the viewing direction. When using your smartphone to watch 360-videos, you will need to open the video in the YouTube app.

I hope trying this 360-video provides you a virtual excursion to the Southwest. Enjoy!