One Hundred Years Ago: Georgia O’Keeffe’s Breakout Exhibit

  • Wednesday, July 5
  • 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM MT
  • Online

This event is free to attend. Please register in advance. Please email or call 505. 946. 1000 for assistance with event registration.

One hundred years ago, Georgia O’Keeffe made her formal New York City debut. O’Keeffe had been exhibited there before, but it was only a soft launch, and done without her participation. On January 29, 1923, 100 artworks—six years’ worth—were put on public display at the Anderson Galleries. Not only did this exhibit secure O’Keeffe’s artistic reputation, it also set the annual pattern of her work life for the next 23 years. In this presentation, take a look inside the exhibition at the Anderson Galleries, as well as newspaper reviews and O’Keeffe’s accompanying artist statement. Dr. Daly will explore what the exhibit meant for the artist—personally, artistically, and financially; its effect on her health; her deep ambivalence about being exhibited; and her strategic response to criticism.

About the Speaker

Ann Daly (Ph.D.) is the author of six books and has contributed to the New York Times, Village Voice, NPR, and the Chronicle of Higher Education. Daly is writing a book on Georgia O’Keeffe’s art and art-making, Digging for Stars: The Art of Georgia.

Can’t make the talk? This program will be recorded and posted on our website.

Upcoming Events

Photograph of a young child's hands as they use their fingers to paint a painting on a while piece of paper.

Past Event Community Events

Create with O'Keeffe: Blob Characters


Thursday, March 13


Dark blue stroke in the shape of a "C" fills the center of the paper. Lighter blue strokes in same motion of "C" on either side of dark blue "C." Cream color stroke follows the right side of the "C." Three red circles to the right of the "C" with one black circle overlapping the closest red circle to the "C."

Event Classes

Online Class: Watercolor Fundamentals | Washes, Glazing, & Brushwork


Friday, March 14


Watercolor study of green teapot with yellow flowers. The teapot is positioned on a flat surface slightly to the right of the center of the page, the yellow flowers are placed in the teapot, which serves as a makeshift vase. The teapot lid is lying to the left of the teapot. The background is done in a dark gray green and the flat surface in the foreground is a light tan color.

Event Classes

Online Class: Still Life Composition in Watercolor


Monday, March 17
